Definition of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)

Views : 492
Update time : 2023-04-25 11:12:28
Definition of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)

PVD (physical vapor deposition) coating, also known as thin-film coating, is a process in which a solid material is vaporized in a vacuum and deposited onto the surface of a part. These coatings are not simply metal layers though. Instead, compound materials are deposited atom by atom, forming a thin, bonded, metal or metal-ceramic surface layer that greatly improves the appearance, durability, and/or function of a part or product. Here at VaporTech, your physical vapor deposition coating is developed by our scientists for your exacting needs and can be easily customized to change the color, durability, or other characteristics of the coating.

As the process transfers the coating material as a single atom or on the molecular level, it can provide extremely pure and high performance coatings which for many applications can be preferable to other methods used. At the heart of every microchip, and semiconductor device, durable protective film, optical lens, solar panel and many medical devices, PVD Coatings provide crucial performance attributes for the final product. Whether the coating needs to be extremely thin, pure, durable or clean, PVD provides the solution.

It is used in a wide variety of industries like optical applications ranging from eye glasses to self-cleaning tinted windows, photovoltaic applications for solar energy, device applications like computer chips, displays and communications as well as functional or decorative finishes, from durable hard protective films to brilliant gold, platinum or chrome plating.

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