5axis aerospace automotive energy and medical
Jun .29.2023
Machine-optimized 5-axis, 4+1, and 3+2 toolpaths to machine complex freeform shapes
Produce tools and discrete parts for a wide variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, energy, and medical
Adaptive Machining™ cycles that run on any class of CNC milling machine and any other CNC capable of 5-axis, including multitasking mill-turns and Swiss-type machines
Combine FreeForm cycles with any other milling, turning, and inspection cycles into one complete program
Definition of Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
Apr .25.2023
PVD (physical vapor deposition) coating, also known as thin-film coating, is a process in which a solid material is vaporized in a vacuum and deposited onto the surface of a part. These coatings are not simply metal layers though.
ONE PRECISION New Technology for Aluminum Parts
Apr .19.2023
Finishing is the final step in our manufacturing process, ensuring that every part coming out of ONE PRECISION is ready for use in mission-critical applications. Our team is experts in accurately applying plating and finishing processes to parts that ensure reliability, durability, and precision.
Our customers come to us for parts for use in highly-sensitive applications in the aerospace, defense, automotive, telecommunications, and energy industries.